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Inject Signal component

Injects a signal into the stream based on the predefined conditions.

component image


reset <any> - input stream that will be injected with RESET signal.

scope-changed <any> - input stream that will be injected with SCOPE_CHANGED signal.


output <any> - emits combined input streams with injected signals.


The Inject Signal component is used to inject RESET or SCOPE_CHANGED signals into incoming streams. The type of injected signal depends on which input port a stream is connected to. The timing of the injection (before or after) is defined in the settings. Incoming events on input ports will be emitted on the output port without any changes.

Injecting signals is useful when you need to reset a port or widget specifically before or after incoming event.


Signal placement

Specify whether the signal is injected before or after a passing event.

  • Before (before) - the signal will be injected right before the incoming event
  • After (after) - the signal will be injected right after the passing event

Type: String
Required: No
Default: after

Event type

Specifies an event type for which to inject the signal:

  • All (all) — inject for both data events and signals.
  • Data (data) — inject only for data events.
  • Signal (signal) — inject only for signals.

Type: String
Required: No
Default: all

Signal types

If the all or signal event types are selected, you can specify the types of signals for which to inject the signal. Otherwise, the signal will be injected for any incoming signal.