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Emits PROGRESS signal.

component image


trigger <any> (dynamic) — triggers PROGRESS signal (hidden if config port is enabled).

config <any> (dynamic) — accepts a JSON object with configuration properties that can be set at runtime. The output signal is is emitted on every config event.


output <Signal> — emits PROGRESS signal event.


The PROGRESS signal transmits progress configuration that can control how widgets display progress indicators. If a widget has a progress bar enabled, then the received PROGRESS signal will control the mode, value, and status of the progress.

To display progress on a widget, start by sending an initial PROGRESS signal. Then, send one or more PROGRESS signals with a value between 0 and total. Finally, to complete the progress, send a PROGRESS signal with a status of completed. Any widgets that receive PROGRESS signals and have the progress bar enabled will display the progress bar. To abort the progress bar, send a RESET signal.

The component will send signal every time an event is received on the trigger port or the configuration object is received on the config port.


This component supports dynamic configuration. You can specify the required settings either in settings dialog or through a configuration object. To enable the config port for runtime configuration, set the “Enable realtime config port” option in settings.


Enable realtime config port

If this setting is enabled, the component can be configured through the config port. This port accepts a configuration object as input and allows you to set dynamic properties at runtime. Note that using this port does not cause the component to reinitialize, but it may cause some previous state of the component to be lost.

Value (value)

Current progress value should be between 0 and Total attribute.

Type: Number|Null
Required: No

Total (total)

Define the total value for the progress. The total is defaulted to 100 if value is defined.

Type: Number|Null
Required: No
Default: 100

Status (status)

Indicate whether the progress is finished.

Type: String
Required: No
Default: started

  • Started (started) — progress is started.
  • Aborted (aborted) — progress bar is aborted on current value.
  • Completed (completed) — set progress bar final value and complete.

Display Mode

Kelp widgets can handle PROGRESS signal and show it as a progress bar.

The value and total types define the style or appearance of the progress bar as follows:

  • value and total are not defined — the progress bar does not show a specific value or percentage. Instead, it displays an animation or continuous movement to indicate that a process is ongoing, but the exact progress is unknown or not easily measurable.
  • value or total is null — the progress bar will move opportunistically by slowly moving toward the end but never reaching it. Use this progress when you have a total progress, but current progress value is unknown.
  • value is number — the progress bar shows a specific value or percentage of completion. It is often used when the progress can be measured or quantified, such as when downloading a file or uploading data.

Configuration object

Here are examples of a configuration objects that you can use as templates:

Continuous progress:

{ }

Incremental progress:

"status": "completed",
"value": 48,
"total": 1024
"status": "completed",
"value": 50

Incremental continuous progress:

"value": null
"value": null,
"total": null
"value": 1024,
"total": null