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Combines the values from two or more input streams. On each value from any input stream, emits a combined value from the latest values from each input stream.

component image


stream1 ... streamN <any> — two or more input streams to combine.


output Array, Object — emits combined values from the input streams.


The Combine operator combines the values from two or more input streams together. On each value from any input stream, emits a combined event containing the latest values from each stream.

combine overview

The output value will be an Array by default, but it can also be configured to emit an Object. In the case of an object, the keys will be the names of the corresponding input ports.

To reset the values on any input port, send a RESET signal to that port.


The Combine operator combines values exclusively from active ports, which are input ports with connected streams. For instance, if only one input port is activated, the Combine operator will immediately output the incoming value on that port.


Number of input streams

Defines the number of input ports. The default number is two.

Output Type

Specifies the format of the output value:

  • Array — (default) the values are combined into an array with the order corresponding to the order of the input ports from top to bottom.
  • Object — the values are combined into an object, with keys corresponding to the port names.