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Calendar widget

Displays calendar and lets the user select a date.

component image


config JSON — widget configuration parameters.

data Array — date to select.


selection Array — emits a selected date formatted as “YYYY-MM-DD”.


Calendar widget is used to display and select dates in your app. It displays a current month view that users can flip to another month or year. You can restrict which dates are selectable and select the date through the data port.

Select a date

Pass an array with a date to the data port. Passing the following array selects August 1, 2022.


Selected date will be emitted on the selection port as an array containing a date.

Restrict which dates can be selected

Pass a configuration to the config port to specify an interval or even certain dates that can be selected. The configuration can include any of the following properties:

minDateStart date of the selectable interval.
maxDateEnd date of the selectable interval.
includeDatesAn array of dates to make selectable. When used together with minDate, maxDate, the resulting dates will are an intersection of these sets.
excludeDatesAn array of dates to exclude.
clearableIf set to true, the date in the calendar can be unselected which is indicated by emitting an empty array on the selection port.



Widget’s title.

Hide progress bar

Controls the visibility of the progress bar. By default, the progress bar is visible.

Error messages settings

Specify custom error messages to display inside the widget. You can set a message for each error code.