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Athena Get Results

Returns Amazon Athena query execution results object by its query execution ID.

component image


id String — the unique ID of the query execution.

page-token String, Null — a token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the value from the next-token port.

trigger <any> — triggers the action.

abort Boolean — aborts all pending actions.

config JSON (dynamic) — accepts a JSON object with configuration properties that can be set at runtime.


result-set Array — aggregates and emits a complete result set (all pages).

next-token String — emits a token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if a previous request was truncated.

update-count Number — the number of rows inserted with a CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement.

errors JSON — emits any errors that occur during action execution.


The Athena Get Results component allows you to retrieve the results of a single query execution by its queryExecutionId. This component is part of the group of components that are designed to perform advanced operations with Amazon Athena. Simpler version of Athena interface is available in the Athena Query component.

This components implements GetQueryResults Athena action to stream the result of the previously made query. To start the query and create query execution use Athena Start Query Execution component. To monitor the status of the query, use the Athena Get Query Execution component.

To use this component, you will need to connect it to your Amazon Athena account and pass a queryExecutionId to the id port. The component will return the results of the specified query on the result-set port.

If the trigger input port is connected, the component will wait to execute the action until an event is sent on the trigger port. The component will execute the action every time an event is received on the trigger port. If any errors occur during the action execution, the corresponding error message will be emitted on the errors output port.


This component supports dynamic configuration. You can specify the required settings either in the Settings dialog or through a configuration object. To enable the config port for runtime configuration, turn on the Enable realtime config port setting.



Configure authentication to the target service. Select one of the existing connections from the drop-down list, or configure a new connection.

Enable realtime config port

If this setting is enabled, the component can be configured through the config port. This port accepts a configuration object as input and allows you to set dynamic properties at runtime. Note that using this port does not cause the component to reinitialize, but it may cause some previous state of the component to be lost.

Region (region)

The name of AWS Region in which you are using Athena. Athena allows you to query Amazon S3 data in a different AWS Region than the one in which you are using Athena. Learn more about querying across AWS regions.

Type: String
Required: Yes

Results page size (maxResults)

The maximum number of results (rows) to return in one page request.

Type: Number
Default: 100
Required: Yes

Keep always active

Determines whether the component will remain active even if it is not connected to a visible widget or another active component.

Configuration Object

Here is an example of a configuration object that you can use as a template:

"region": "us-east-1",
"maxResults": 100

See also

For more information about Amazon Athena, see the following: