Kelp Basics
This section is a beginner-friendly introduction to the Kelp platform. It will provide you with a high-level overview of the platform and guide you through the essential steps of building an application using Kelp.
📄️ Kelp Interface
In this topic, you'll learn your way around the Kelp interface.
📄️ Connecting to Data
The primary goal of Kelp is to help you build data-driven apps.
📄️ Building App Logic
App development in the App Editor is based on a flow-based programming principles. To build an application you need to create a data flow by selecting required components from a library, connecting them in a graph, applying necessary data transformations and output the result to a visual component (widget).
📄️ Designing Layout
Kelp provides two types of layout editors to design your app’s user interface (UI): Grid Layout and Flex Layout. These visual editors allow you to arrange widgets and elements in an intuitive way.
📄️ Releasing & Sharing
When you release an app, you create a read-only snapshot of its current state that can be shared with end users, both within and outside of the workspace. You can then share apps with specific users or groups. Furthermore, you can publish apps to the web, making them available to anyone with a link, regardless of whether or not they are a Kelp user.